【YouTube】Suzuki Jimny jb74 鈴木ジムニー impianto luci supplementari più tanica additional lighting system plus tank


ciao, in questo video vi mostro l impianto elettrico dei fari supplementari che ho installato, con questo video voglio rispondere a tutte le persone che mi hanno chiesto come ho creato il tutto. se avete altre domande scrivetemelo nei commenti o su instagram sarò lieto di rispondervi.
tutti i fari tranne la barra a led sono marca AURORA che potete trovare seguendo questo link:


barra led marca STRANDS potete trovarla in questo link: https://www.ullsteinconcepts.com/cataloghi/fari-abbaglianti-led-suzuki-jimny.aspx

porta tanica: https://amzn.to/3gFevYi

tanica frontrunner: https://www.frontrunneroutfitters.com/en/de/water-solutions/tanks-mounts/front-runner-plastic-water-jerry-can-with-tap.html

interruttore colore bianco da amazon: https://amzn.to/3kyiy9L
interruttore colore ambra vari disegni aliexpress: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_9JkUPE

seguiteci sui social:
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nuovo_suzuki_jimny_italia/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/424517127954104

hi, in this video I show you the electrical system of the additional headlights that I have installed, with this video I want to answer all the people who asked me how I created everything. if you have other questions write it to me in the comments or on instagram I will be happy to answer you.
all the headlights except the led bar are AURORA brand which you can find by following this link:

http://www.topgear.it/shop.php?act=show&sez=cat&val=86&title=Aurora%20%20%20%20Fari% 20a% 20LEDwhile for the STRANDS brand led bar you can find it in this link: https://www.ullsteinconcepts.com/cataloghi/fari-abbaglianti-led-suzuki-jimny.aspx
tank holder: https://amzn.to/3gFevYi

frontrunner tank: https://www.frontrunneroutfitters.com/en/de/water-solutions/tanks-mounts/front-runner-plastic-water-jerry-can-with-tap.html

white color switch from amazon: https://amzn.to/3kyiy9L
amber color switch various designs aliexpress: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_9JkUPE

follow me:
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nuovo_suzuki_jimny_italia/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/424517127954104

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