拭き残し→Aピラー 6.5cm、運転席前の扇形 14cm、助手席前の三角形無し、室内からのワイパー見え有り
1) 「助手席前の三角形」の拭き残しが無いのは、Bカテゴリー車では初めて。Mercedes Benzと同様に運転席と助手席のブレードに重複部分を設けて拭き残しゼロに取り組んでいます。
2) 室内からのワイパー見えも、一部は見えているものの、なるべく下げる努力をされています。
“Japan Wiper of the Year” evaluation criteria
1) Unwiped area at A Pillar side; 6.5cm
2) Fan-shaped unwiped area in front of the driver seat; 14cm
3) Triangle unwiped area in front of the passenger seat; completely wiped, excellent!
4) Visibility of the wipers from inside when not in use; visible
This is the 2nd generation Fit, which released in October 2007 in Japan.
The Fit is the 2007 “Japan Wiper of the Year” award winning work.
Although there are many unwiped area according to the current evaluation criteria, the reason for the award was that in 2007, it was an epoch making wiper design for a B category cars.
1) This is the 1st time for a B category car to have no “Triangle unwiped area in front of the passenger seat”. Like Mercedes Benz, the Fit is working on no unwiped area with overlapping wiper blades in the driver side and passenger side.
2) Although some of the “Visibility of the wipers from inside when not in use” is visible, efforts are being made to reduce it as much as possible.
After this, in the 3rd generation Fit(GK6) released in September 2013, unfortunately “Triangle unwiped area in front of the passenger seat” is left, so this 2nd generation Fit was superior in that point.
Please compare it with each generation Fit, B category hatchback cars, and “Japan Wiper of the Year” award winning cars.
歴代フィット | Honda Fit/Jazz histories;
初代 | 1st; GD1, 2001
2世代目 | 2nd; GE6, 2007
3世代目 | 3rd; GK3, 2013
4世代目 | 4th; GR1, 2020
Bカテゴリーハッチバック各車 | B category hatchbacks;
トヨタ ヴィッツ | Toyota Vitz, Yaris (XP130, 2010)
トヨタ アクア | Toyota Aqua (XPK10, 2021)
Honda フィット | Honda Fit, Jazz (GE6, 2007)
日産 ノート | Nissan Note (E12, 2012)
マツダ デミオ | Mazda Demio, Mazda 2 (DJ, 2014)
スズキ スイフト | Suzuki Swift (ZC83S, 2017)
「日本ワイパー・オブ・ザ・イヤー」各年度の受賞作品 | “Japan Wiper of the Year” winners;
2005; Honda シビック | Civic (FA1, FD1)
2006; 該当作品無し | no winner
2007; Honda フィット | Fit, Jazz (GE6)
2008; Honda インスパイア | Accord, Inspire (CP1)
2009; Mercedes Benz C class (W204)
2010; Mercedes Benz E class (W212)
2011; Mercedes Benz CLS (C218)
2012; Mercedes Benz SL (R231)
2013; Mercedes Benz S class (W222)
2014; スバル レガシィ | Subaru Legacy, Outback (BN)
2015; Lexus RX (AL20W)
2016; Audi A4 (8W(B9))
2017; Volvo V90 (PB)
2018; 該当作品無し
2019; Lexus ES (XZ10)
2020; マツダ MX-30 | Mazda MX-30 (DR)
2021; Audi A3 (8Y)
2022; トヨタ クラウン・クロスオーバー | Toyota Crown Crossover (S230)
2023; ?
Honda フィット | Honda Fit, Jazz (GE6, 2007)
Aピラーの拭き残し | A pillar side unwiped area
運転席前の扇形 | fan shape unwiped area
助手席前の三角形 | passenger side unwiped area